Honda Power Equipment Honda Power Equipment Honda Marine Honda Engines
Honda Snow Blowers


Built for heavier residential or commercial use, Honda’s HSS Series two-stage snow blowers are loaded with innovative features and ready to take on the big jobs. Teaming a Honda GX-Series commercial-grade engine with an optimized impeller system, they can throw snow up to a remarkable 56’. With hydrostatic transmissions for easy variable speed control, a built in LED headlight, and easy controls, the HSS series makes snow removal a breeze. For the most challenging situations, the Honda HSM1336i hybrid is the ultimate snow removal solution.

honda power equipment two stage snowblowers


$2799* (AT) / $3299* (ATD)
Two stage 24" snow blower
  • Track drive, with adjustable auger height
  • Clears 24" wide, 1500 lb./min
  • Throws snow up to 49 feet
  • Self propelled, hydrostatic drive
  • Electric start (ATD only)


$3399* (AT) / $3599* (ATD)
Two stage 28" snow blower
  • Track drive, with adjustable auger height
  • Clears 28" wide, 1900 lb./min
  • Throws snow up to 52 feet
  • Self propelled, hydrostatic drive
  • Electric start (ATD only)


Two stage 36" hybrid snow blower
  • Hybrid technology: Better throw, smoother go
  • Choose between Auto, Semi-Auto, or Manual modes
  • Clears 36" width, up to 3000 lb./min
  • Track drive - best traction available
  • Electric start

*Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Price excludes applicable taxes. Dealer sets actual selling price.

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